Devotions for June, Entry 28 {trust}

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:7


Love always trusts.

What is trust?

Putting your faith in someone else? Putting the fate of something connected to you in someone else’s hands. Like an airplane pilot, or a payroll manager, or your child’s teacher. When we are born, we automatically trust. Mom, Dad, siblings, grandparents. Our circle of trust grows as we encounter others.

So when does trust become an issue?

When a trust was betrayed. When someone said they would do something, say something, hold onto something, produce something, and then they didn’t. Emotions that come with this outcome might be anger, sadness, disappointment, and even embarrassment or humiliation.

So how can love always trust? Well. I don’t know. I’m generally a pretty trusting person. I really don’t have an answer. What I do know is that cynicism and skepticism can very quickly eat you up.

Maybe to always trust means to always give the benefit of the doubt. Hope that the people you are relying on have integrity and compassion. Hope for the good in people. My guess is, if you exhibit the other qualities of love, those who are trusting will want to work with you, and those who aren’t will feel convicted.

This is what I do know. You can always trust God. You can always trust God. You can always trust God.
